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  • Writer's pictureAndy at Fireside Fundraising

How to love a fundraiser...

I've recently been back in the dating game - and it's got me thinking a lot about love languages. I'm big on the memes that say things like 'how to say your love language is gifts without sounding like a spoiled French prince', but, realistically I think all fundraisers have the same love language....

Words of money

Quality money 

Physical money 

Acts of money 

Gifts (money)

Though I imagine many of us want our supporters to show us less words of money and more acts of money, am I right!?

Our way of showing love to fundraisers is putting on free events, like the upcoming Evolve Online - a free, two hour deep dive into how we can do good fundraising better. Will you be there?

See you by the Fireside, 


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