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Our mission is to shape your most important stories, then tell them to the people with the power to change the ending. We have done this with St John Ambulance, helping them to raise an estimated £1,700,000 and with smaller charities to help them raise their first six-figure gifts.

We pride ourselves on being:

Curious. Whether we’re digging into behavioural science or the specifics of your organisation, it’s human instinct to learn. We’re constantly applying this learning to improve our approach.


Emotional. Our emotional brains work 2,000 times faster than our logical brains. At Fireside, we lean into this to ensure you and your donors have what they need to make quick decisions.

Action-driven. We work with one question in our mind: how do we get you results? Our projects are designed to help charities take action as such, we decline work that we think is destined to sit in a drawer.


Quirky. While we promise to take your project seriously, we also promise not to take ourselves seriously. We’ll bring humour and joy to the process as often as we can - this means we do great work and have a great time doing it.

If you’re new to the Fireside and want to see us in action, check out our free recipe for fundraising success. If you’d like more tailored support, email our director Andy on

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Andy King: The Fire-starter

Andy King is an award-winning storyteller. In July 2022, Fundraising Magazine named him ‘the most influential fundraiser in the UK’. Andy’s passion is helping charities tell their most important stories to those with the power to change the ending. This has led him to kickstart corporate partnerships programmes from a standing start to a value of £450,000 per year in 18 months. He has also transformed existing approaches to go beyond ‘logo-led’ fundraising with St. John’s Ambulance and UNESCO. Having worked with charities of all shapes and sizes, he is keen to create the tools that will work for you.


Lisa Clavering: Head of Client Experience

Lisa's charity sector experience is perhaps best summed up as a fundraising comms, but that doesn't really do justice to the breadth of her expertise. She's worked solo, client- and agency- side, built telephone fundraising programmes from scratch, and helped develop strategies for household name charities. The common uniting factor, though, is Lisa's skill at using words to inspire people to take action.  


Lucy Mitchell: Research Lead 

Lucy's ability to find the information, facts, and gossip you need is second to none. As a co-founder of a small art therapy nonprofit, she understands what it means to fundraise to keep the lights on. As the corporate researcher for Dogs Trust, she also knows the importance of bringing your colleagues along with you. Lucy’s passion for helping people find the information they need has meant working on projects with museums, mental health organisations and international children’s charities. Driven by an equal mixture of curiosity and kindness, she won’t take ‘no answer’ for an answer.


Jess Boyd:
Associate Consultant

Jess is committed to giant cups of tea, and ensuring organisations have the funds and resources to create new futures. She brings global experience and cultural awareness to all her clients - an insight born out of her mixed race identity and time spent living in countries like Vietnam, Thailand and America. She gets excited by big picture strategies, impactful partnerships, and hard conversations that lead to exciting growth. Jess has worked with sporting giants like the NFL, international domestic violence awareness campaigns like No More, and small but might community organisations working with immigrants and refugees. 



If you want to ignite your fundraising potential, get in touch.

+44 7988 055 987

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