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5 Step Storytelling

'Stories are the fires that we carry to each other'.

Bobette Buster,

author and academic

Many of us know that our emotional brains are faster than our logical brains. But many of us don't realise just how much faster the emotional brain is - up to 2,000 times! 

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Because your emotional brain is just so much faster than your logical brain, you can't help but make decisions for emotional reasons. You're asked a question and you lead to an emotional answer. 

Your logical brain then races to catch up.


But, because you want to prove yourself right, your logical brain catches up by actively looking for logic that agrees with your emotional decision. This means if you get the emotional factors right, even the most logical brains will be biased into making the decision you want. 

Stories are the strongest shortcut we have to an emotional decision. They can make or break the best charity approaches. If you want a simple framework to create these emotional stories, fill in your details below and we'll email you a copy of the 5 step storytelling framework.  

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